Produce marketing

5 candy-free halloween treats (that won’t turn your kids into monsters)

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Halloween is just around the corner, and the exotic Kiwano is custom-made for some seriously spooky, candy-free Halloween treats.   "They're spiky and they're kooky…mysterious and spooky…altogether fruity…" Now we've got the Addams... more

6 new plant based foods to try in 2022

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Plant based food is one trend that doesn't look like its slowing anytime soon. Here in New Zealand, the number of people eating “meat-free” jumped 15 per cent between 2020 and 2021. And there's plenty to tempt them. Each year food producers... more

being a straight shooter in the wild west of internet health claims

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Seen anything like the above on Pinterest/Instagram/Facebook lately? Pass me the peas! Now don’t get me wrong – I love peas. But I think even the biggest pea fan would agree that No1 and No10 are some bold claims. There’s no doubt that... more

why cinco de mayo is the perfect match for kiwano

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It’s fair to say avocados are top dog of the produce world at the moment. And with the year’s top Mexican party celebration, Cinco de Mayo, just around the corner – the tsunami of avocado affection is about to be, quite literally, smashed... more

new cinco de mayo campaign aims to open eyes to kiwano’s versatility

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Media Release 14 April 2018 - Te Puke Bay of Plenty New Zealand New Zealand Kiwano grower Enzed Exotics is launching a new Cinco de Mayo themed campaign aimed at opening US consumers eyes to the versatility of its naturally grown Kiwano... more

we want to make the most of our beautiful “ugly fruit”. can you help?

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Over the last little while we’ve been thinking about what we can do with our beautiful but "ugly fruit". That is, Kiwano that doesn’t meet the grade for a number of reasons – shape, colour, bruises, marks, or spots. It’s been on our mind... more